- all tags "v*" will be deployed to the site as defined in [.drone.yml](.drone.yml)
- Test Server: ![Deploy Production](https://drone.k8s.sqa.ddnss.org/api/badges/snowball/hugo-test/status.svg)
- New Server: ![Deploy Production](https://drone.k8s.sqa.ddnss.org/api/badges/barnekleinen/seuh2022/status.svg)
## Editing and Releasing from the Github Website
- all content is in markdown files in the [content folder](content) - find the matching page in the hierarchy and edit the content via the webpage
- all commits to master trigger a deployment to [Staging](https://seuh2022.github.io/seuh2022)
- to deploy the production site, [draft and create a new release](https://github.com/seuh2022/seuh2022/releases/new) - tags have to start with "v", e.g. "v1.1" to be deployed.
- to deploy the production site, [draft and create a new release on github](https://github.com/seuh2022/seuh2022/releases/new) - tags have to start with "v", e.g. "v1.1" to be deployed.